Wasting My Conjunct Aspect Time: Conjunct Sun Aspects
September 22, 2022

James Day/Unsplash
Natal sun aspects are all about pure will, especially sun conjunctions. Think of Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun: What they will to be done, it WILL be done.
Those with natal sun conjunct aspects believe the world revolves around them, and they just might be right if they have enough will to believe it.
Strong signs of action and conviction usually are the name of the game for those with this aspect, which may or may not drive everyone else around them crazy (-cough- Sun conjunct Mars, Sun conjunct Mercury, and more than possibly Sun conjunct Jupiter-cough-).
Of course, the specific sign of the Sun involved will color one Sun conjunct person differently from the next person of the similar aspect makeup. Example: A Scorpio Sun, a fixed sign, versus a Gemini Sun, a mutable sign. In which case, a Scorpio Sun with a conjunct to Mercury would be even more pronounced in the fixated Scorpionic mindset because their fixed external energy (Scorpio Sun) is shared with their intense communicative and thought process (Scorpio Mercury). Whereas a Gemini Sun’s flighty external energy (Gemini Sun) is shared or further pronounced by their actively varied communicative and thought process (Gemini Mercury).
And within that angle, the second planet in the Sun conjunction will add its touch to the Sun because it falls behind the Sun. This means, going back to the above Mercury examples, such a planet conjunction to the Sun will give more Mercurial, Gemini, Virgo, and/or communicative dimension to the Sun sign. So, whereas the Gemini Sun conjunct Gemini Mercury person will just act and speak like a Gemini, a Capricorn Sun conjunct Capricorn Mercury would have a bit of a Mercurial-like edge and make communication/vocalization/mind-related matters a bigger deal for them.
Nevertheless, no matter the specific zodiac sign or second planet involved in the Sun conjunctions, each version will exhibit a very willed representation and execution.
So, let’s take a deeper look at these ego-filled bastards.
Natal Sun Conjunct Moon Aspect

This conjunct aspect can work in a few ways. In one of the most positive renditions (And yes, that last word was used intentionally as intentionally foreshadowing shade of the emotional dramatics this aspect can give because contrary to popular belief, Leos/Sun-ruled signs can get a run for their money with Cancers/Moon-ruled signs.): The person’s will (Sun) and emotions and comforts (Moon) will be in-sync. This means that they’ll have a lot more alignment in their desires than many others who aren’t fortunate to have an aspect between these two planets, let alone, a conjunction.
And back to that comfort thing, it’ll be a big role in Sun conjunct Moon aspect individuals’ lives–whether they want to admit to it or not.
HOWEVER, speaking of roles (Spoiler: Here’s where the dramatic part comes in): Another way the Sun conjunct Moon aspect can play out is with everyone playing out an involuntary role in these aspect owners’ soap operas, social media appearances, and/or vlogs (we mean that literally just as much as metaphorically).
via GIPHY/Comedy.com @comedydotcom
And with their emotions so close to their core being, they WILL be the star of the show. And if that’s what (or who) you run up against, just tell them:
via GIPHY/Hope is Sincere @sincerehope
To which, the curtain will fall like:
Natal Sun Conjunct Mercury Aspect
When you run across a person with a natal Sun conjunct Mercury aspect, just know (We’re stressing this particular word for a reason in this section. FYI.) that you’ll know because you might hear this common phrase come out of their mouths during conversation: I know.
And that’s the thing. They’ll think they know everything (or will want to since Mercury rules thought) and their ideology is the best thing since sliced bread. Buddha, Gandhi, MLK, and the rest can move over because they have the Holy Grail.
For those with this natal Sun conjunct aspect, it can be hard for them sometimes to see that other viewpoints or mindsets might hold just as much validity even if it’s not their own. Or to a less irritating degree (maybe), they’ll like to absorb as much knowledge as possible (somewhat like a Mercury conjunct Jupiter aspect person). So, yes, then that could mean they’d probably be that one student to remind the teacher about that one assignment that was due. And yes, that would then mean they are just as irritating and unlikeable. (But not M&M’s. We like those.)
via GIPHY/M&M’S Chocolate @mms
So, next time, someone with this aspect gets on your nerves (or if you are guilty as charged with this aspect yourself), just hit ’em (or yourself) with a curveball and a “That’s what you THOUGHT! And if you don’t know, now you know.”
Natal Sun Conjunct Venus Aspect
Those with this natal Sun conjunction can put one in the mind of Librans/Taureans. Since both signs are ruled by the planet Venus, which is all things beauty and congeniality, someone who has this in connection with their Sun, will have those traits shine through their Sun.
Their harmonious, aesthete way of being will be evident in their style of dress and communication. They might even be relationship counselors, life coaches, or designers; anything where attractive mediation and ways of living are encouraged. Or if they aren’t as stereotypically harmony-, fashion- and art-centered, another way the Sun conjunct Venus person might showcase this aspect would be by personally holding weight to relations (even if they aren’t always so balanced) and an artful, everyday way of life.
via GIPHY/XXRebellion @XXRebellion
Since Librans’ astrological symbol is the scales, some with this aspect might be into law, justice, or relations, any kind of mediation-centered focus as career paths. Another area of interest would be the finer things in life and being determined to acquire that kind of means of living.
(So, yes, they can also be –cough–shallow.–cough–)
Natal Sun Conjunct Mars Aspect
This aspect will be another clearly evident one that can be summed up as IYKYK. Think of an Aries (the sign ruled by the planet Mars), and then, you’ll definitely know.
Sun conjunct Mars individuals exhibit Martian qualities clearly in their drive and determination. With two fiery planets in conjunction, regardless if the signs forming the conjunction are non-fire, the owner of this aspect will be on fire with their goals.
Some may be athletic, some may be competitive, some might be cocky, some might be a bit short-tempered or short on patience, some might be all four. But all of them will have a fire in their belly to get ___ done. (And sometimes, one of those things on the agenda might be slamming their faces into walls.)
With Mars, the planet of action and war, in the mix, those with this planet conjunct their Sun, might have interest in sports, especially combat and martial arts, fitness, and fighting, whether in a crime-fighting sense like a police officer, a physical-fighting aspect like a martial artist or military member, or another kind of career path that takes stamina and going against elements such as a firefighter or rescuer.
via GIPHY/Major League Soccer @mls
They are not afraid to get on the frontlines for a reward and/or resolution. Or at the very least, these are people who might have entrepreneurial endeavors, constant goals, or the need to constantly try out new pursuits.
Natal Sun Conjunct Jupiter Aspect

Jill Wellington/Pixabay
Think of Leo (the sign ruled by Sun), then think of Sagittarius (the sign ruled by Jupiter), and yep, that’s basically the hot #$% mess or poor man’s Buddha you initially assumed this aspect would be like. These people can fall either on the freedom-loving, adventurous side.
via GIPHY/ The Rundown with Robin Thede @therundownbet
via GIPHY/New Orleans Saints @new-orleans-saints
Or the knowledge- and spirit-seeking, wisdom-speaking (err…preaching) side.
via GIPHY/The Blues Brothers Movie
Or, like a true Sagittarius, they’ll fall on both sides, quite possibly all in one day.
via GIPHY/Good Girls @nbcgoodgirls
Another aspect of this aspect (ha) is that, with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, involved, it will expand the qualities and traits of the particular Sun sign. So, if someone has, say, a Cancer Sun conjunct Cancer Jupiter, then yep, you know the rest.
They can make great comedians (with Jupiter’s joviality on their side) just as much as they can preachers, party animals, and world travelers. For that reason, you can catch them in such lines of passion, from being humorous content creators to travel bloggers or motivational speakers. Basically, the common thread in any path they’ll take will be having autonomy and setting their own path.
All in all, like a true Sagittarius, those with this Jupiterian touch to their Sun sign will probably know how to laugh and enjoy doing so, even with some hard truths wrapped up in jokes.
Natal Sun Conjunct Saturn Aspect
Dun. Dun. Dunnnn. Whomp-whomp.
That was our intro theme song for those with this natal aspect. Move over and make way promptly and adequately.
Having Saturn, the planet of time and structure, conjunct one’s Sun is like having a floor general, parent, and/or boss constantly atop one’s shoulder. Having discipline in one’s life (and maybe sometimes trying to enact it in others around them) is a big factor in those with this aspect’s life. Even if, they don’t have it all together just yet, it is something that plays a constant role for them.
Goals, self-control, and the like also come up. If the person’s Sun is in a sign that is not as open to restriction, say a Gemini, there could be a little alteration to how this aspect plays out. There might possibly be some more inner wrestling with the regimented way of things and, yet, it might be something the person thinks about more than they care to admit.
People with this aspect will, like Venus, also care about the way they’re viewed in society. However, unlike Venus, which takes more of a superficial or mundane level approach to societal relations by way of charm or likeability, Saturn wants to be viewed in a very accomplished way. “Wow, that person has it all mapped out!” That statement will make their hearts flutter quicker than a “Wow, that person has such a pretty smile!” Although, a status is a status, so they’ll take that latter compliment as well.
Another manifestation of this aspect is that it can make someone give off a mature and/or untouchable vibe, which can work in a sorta classic and glamorous way and possibly get them more looks than someone with a Venus aspect (!!). Things like RBF, having a mean mug, or looking above it all by appearance (whether facially or just energetically) can be common assessments people give to those with Sun conjunct Saturn.
{Sun conjunct Saturn is the one to the right. The one who falls to the left is the rest of us.)
So, the next time you think they’re judging you, just know they more than likely are. But they are 100% doing it to themselves, too. Saturn, once again, saving the day as the Debbie Downer.
via GIPHY/20th Century Fox Home Entertainment @foxhomeent
But in their free time, you might catch these people gracing a runway, laying down the law in a courtroom with gavel in hand, or on social media with entrepreneurial tips about how you TOO can build your enterprise.
Now, in the words of some Sun conjunct Saturn person somewhere:
Natal Sun Conjunct Uranus Aspect
Those with a Sun conjunct Uranus aspect can have an Aquarian (the sign modernly ruled by Uranus) touch to their personality (Sun).
Can they be a little airy? Maybe. “Chilled?” Possibly. A bringer of changes and ingenuity? Wouldn’t be a stretch. Overestimate their intellect (and not-so-secretly judge yours)? Wouldn’t be surprising. A dash of eccentric? You bet.
When Uranus, the planet of innovation and communal change, comes into play in conjunction with the Sun, its traits can beam externally through the person.
They can be into charity, science, or simply arguing their point until the aliens come home with green-colored hair (themselves, not the aliens. But yes, the argument might be about aliens and extraterrestrial life.). Either way, they’re giving Uranus energy, and it won’t be a shock if they do all of the above things at the same time.
Bringing shocks to spark attention to themselves and/or their ideals is the way they move.
via GIPH/One Day At A Time @OneDayAtATimeY
Get up to speed or get to the side. But give them this compliment before you go:
Natal Sun Conjunct Neptune Aspect

A person with a Sun conjunct Neptune aspect will exhibit Neptunian and/or Piscean traits. When the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality conjuncts the Sun, you’ll find a dreamer and sometimes an occasional manipulator. But they’ll always have a connection to and ability to tap into the other side when used the most positively to inspire us mundane, boring humans on the mundane, physical (hard!) side of reality.
With imaginative properties so close to their being, they can make great artists and visionaries (like Uranian individuals but in a more spiritual, undercurrent kind of way). This means you’ll find them with acting, writing, and musical capabilities.
These people can be true channelers and conduits–so long as they protect their energy.
Yeah, they may more than sometimes need a little grounding to the here and now (Sun conjunct Saturn to the rescue).
And they need to steer clear of playing the occasional innocent and/or victim card for some tragedies they cause themselves by trying to see the best in everyone (yes, their latest soulmate included) when their intuition told them better.
via GIPHY/Nickelodeon @nickelodeon
But with that gifted intuition and deeper perception of things, they can be true blessings to us all when they’re not being annoying.
But they make some dope art, so we guess we’ll keep them around.
Natal Sun Conjunct Pluto Aspect

Sandro Porto/Pixabay
So, this is another aspect that doesn’t really need an explanation. You’ll know them when you see them…or feel them. Or whichever comes first.
These people, much like those with strong Sun energy, will be immediately noticed in any given room. However, their energy, unlike the fiery, shining Sun, is like a smoldering heat. It’s just as effective, though, because it is so unnerving. You know at any moment the heat can (and will) intensify, and so you watch and wait…and hope you don’t get injured.
This is the effect of Sun conjunct Pluto individuals. Intensity is their idea of a great time. While a Mars-heavy person’s intensity concept is a great hour-and-a-half workout session, a person with a conjunction to their Sun from the planet of power and destruction doesn’t call it a workout until they’ve made everyone else around them stop in the weight room to watch (both a possible crush and all of the peons they want to competitively crush out of the vicinity).
Exaggeration aside, those with this aspect don’t run from intense situations, whether topic matters they care about, a goal, or a relationship aim.
via GIPHY/Moneybagg Yo @moneybaggyo
For that reason, it’s not unheard of to see someone with this aspect being one of their strongest to take up very focused, investigative, and calculating jobs, such as military/tactical personnel, investigators, analysts, and researchers. If you didn’t know, Pluto is like the higher manifestation of Mars. So physical feats aren’t a threat for them either.
Where they do differ from Aries-heavy and Mars-heavy individuals, though, is the ability to meet emotionally intense situations, too. For this reason, they might be good domestic and familial mediators, counselors, and such.
Just stay on their good side to see such superpowers.
Alright, that’s it. K, bye.